Delete Test #1

This test verifies that you properly send Webmentions when you delete a post. You will pass this test when you send a Webmention to a URL that you had previously mentioned in a post.

  1. Write a post that links to this page, and send Webmentions for your post.
    Verify you see your post as "pending" on this page.
  2. Delete your post, and ensure that the post's URL is now returning HTTP 410 (or a meta http-equiv 410 status).
  3. Send a Webmention to this page again.
  4. You should see your post listed here in the green "Successful Tests" section when complete.

In Progress

The mentions below are in progress, and have not yet completed the test. They will be deleted if they are not completed within 10 minutes of first posting.

Successful Tests

The mentions below have successfully passed the test! If you visit any of the links below, you should see an indication that the post was deleted.

  • No Name
    Comment text not found

    The post did not provide a URL, using source instead

  • No Name
    Comment text not found

    The post did not provide a URL, using source instead

Responses are stored for 48 hours and may be deleted after that time.